Muslim Regional Profiles: Growth and Contributions 2022-2023

The I-RSS Muslim regional profiles of community growth and contributions are an ongoing project funded by the Muslim Association of Canada (MAC) and run under the I-RSS Internship program. The final compiled book of reports will be available in 2023. The following infographics are made available from those reports in the meantime. MAC is a non-profit charitable organization which provides religious and educational services for the Muslim community in Canada. MAC operates in 11 Canadian cities, with a vision to establish an Islamic presence in Canada that is integrated within the social fabric and culture of Canada.

Muslim Youth Study 2020

The I-RSS Muslim youth study was funded by the Muslim Association of Canada (MAC). MAC is a non-profit organization which provides religious and educational services for the Muslim community in Canada. MAC operates in 11 Canadian cities, with a vision to establish an Islamic presence in Canada that is integrated within the social fabric and culture of Canada.

In the Own Words: Muslim Youth in Canada Study 2020